Lady Maureen converses with Lord Bernard in the fountain courtyard

Lords Bryan, John, and Karl

An impressive array of freshly polished harness

Lady Stacy's special salad, garnished with edible flowers

Lord Blair, Biermeister

Feasters attending to Sir Christian's opening remarks

At the high table

Left: The Chatelaine enjoys Duke Bernard's repartee  Right: Our honoured guest, Lord Bernard

Sirs Carl and Christian, delighted with the Order's gifts to them

Left: Lady Elizabeth  Right: Lady Meredith

Lady Elizabeth bearing flowers for magical circle

Sable the Manor Cat, enjoying his eveing repast of milk

The Lady of the Grail makes a final check before ritual

Sir Carl, bearing a torch and wearing his gift from the Order - a new Constable chain of station

Lord Christopher and Brian enjoy some evening quiet time

Revellers by torchlight

The evening winds down in Sir Christian's pavilion...


Updated July 28, 2009